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Cosfinity Launches It's New and Improved Website For Cosmetic Packaging

Cosfinity Team 02/12/2024

Cosfinity Launches It's New and Improved Website For Cosmetic Packaging

The Infinity of Cosmetics, Cosfinity, announces the launch of its brand-new website cosfinity-cosmeticpackaging.com.

Visitors can enjoy the newly improved functionality and user-friendly features the site has to offer, making it easier than ever to find cosmetic packaging.

Browse through the various product categories including bottles, compacts, jars, stick containers, lipglosses, lipsticks and mascara bottles, now with the option of creating your own Favourites List. You are also given the option of downloading PDF forms for each of the products to view for future reference when offline.

 Stay up to date with all of the latest product and company news on the news page, and for an eco-friendly touch, turn down the light and energy used by viewing the site using Dark Mode.

For more information, reach out to the team or visit the new site!

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