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Lipgloss That Protects and Appears Fuller For Longer

Cosfinity Team 02/01/2025

Lipgloss That Protects and Appears Fuller For Longer

Cosfinity’s new model for lip glosses, using a stylish layered design with a professional slip layer covering half the bottle’s body.

What the CP02-1174 offers is a package that still indicates when the product in running out, without having an empty-looking package during the last stages. The additional feature also works to further shield the product from reactions to light and provides extra insulation. 

Here brands can benefit from a sleek professional appearance while still providing consumers a window sneak peak of the product and color inside.

This simple design choice enhances the look and visual impact of your materials as they are showcased in various levels and combinations of matt, glossy and transparent.

For more details contact Cosfinity or visit the catalog for more

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